Harnessing the Power of Women Leaders

About a month ago, WOMEN Unlimited, Inc. hosted another of our Executive Forums, this one focusing on Harnessing the Power of Women Leaders. Jeanie Coomber, WOMEN Unlimited’s Northeast Regional Director, was our co-moderator. As always, I was thrilled and impressed by both the attendees and the level of expertise and discussion that ensued from bringing…

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Like a Girl…Like a Woman

I’ve been so impressed and so moved by the recent Always #Like a Girl campaign. The point is a simple one: Don’t use the phrase “like a girl” as an insult. Girls run, throw, play and kick just as well as boys. To demean or diminish an adolescent girl, at a time when she is…

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Happy (or not-so-happy) Ground Hog Day

“What would you do if you were stuck in one place and every day was exactly the same?” That was the premise behind the Bill Murray movie, Ground Hog Day. No matter what he did, he just wound up reliving February 2nd over and over. Sometimes, that seems to be the case as we work…

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Proud of our Alumnae

On December 2nd, it was my great pleasure to moderate a webcast for our alumnae, Celebrating 20 Years of YOUR Success. Over 300 alumnae participated, including our four high-powered alumnae panelists: Jenny Liu, Global Product Manager, DuPont Chemicals & Fluoroproducts Dovie Majors, Director, Performance Improvement & Interim General Manager, Indiana Harbor Operations, SunCoke Energy Laure…

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6 Strategies For Holding On To Your Talented Women

I’ve talked a good deal in these blogs about how to develop female talent, but not so much about how to retain that talent. Admittedly, it’s not always easy. Frustration can run high among talented women, and when it does they can look for greener pastures. My experience has shown that certain strategies can make…

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Talk About Bad Karma…. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella unleashed a firestorm of well-deserved criticism last Thursday when he lauded women who don’t ask for raises saying “that’s good karma” and calling them “the kind of person that I want to trust” Really? Really? Why Nadella was wrong no matter how you look at it….

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The Role of Men in Fostering Female Talent: Part 2

In his previous blog, Michael offered some fascinating perspectives on how managers and organizations both succeed and flounder in advancing their talented women. In this blog, Michael points us to Catalyst research that can be helpful in understanding gender bias and moving away from it. –Dr. Rosina L. Racioppi, President & CEO, WOMEN Unlimited, Inc.

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The Role of Men in Fostering Female Talent: Part 1

For the next two blogs, I am thrilled that we will be having Michael Chamberlain, as our guest blogger. Michael is Vice President of Marketing for Catalyst, Inc.. Catalyst has been a mover and shaker in support of corporate women for 50 years. In both his blogs, Michael will be discussing “The Role of Men…

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