
Latest Blog Posts from WOMEN Unlimited

Inclusiveness: Wall Street vs. Main Street

I recently read an article in the New York Times, How Wall Street Bro Talk Keeps Women Down by Sam Polk. As the head of an organization dedicated to the advancement of women, I had to ask myself “Is this really 2016?” The article highlighted the misogyny that still exists on Wall Street, where according to Polk,…

Interview with Visael “Bobby” Rodriguez

WOMEN Unlimited recently interviewed Bobby Rodriguez for his perspective as a Chief Diversity Officer on inclusiveness and developing female talent. Visael “Bobby” Rodriguez Vice President, Human Resources & Chief Diversity Officer Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island   It’s much harder to scale a lattice than to climb a ladder. In many organizations…

IMpower Defines a Clear Path for Early-career Women and Their Employers IMpower

It’s much harder to scale a lattice than to climb a ladder. In many organizations today, the only path for career advancement is a matrix that has no discernible line of direction. Unlike the easy-to-follow career ladder, the lattice doesn’t offer bright signposts detailing the next stop, nor does it clearly point to people who…

Soccer and Tennis: Why Corporations Need Both

Throughout the year, we invite guest bloggers to share their from-the-field perspectives on inclusiveness and diversity. I’m so pleased to provide you with a number of outstanding and actionable insights from Tom Dybro. –Rosina Racioppi, President and CEO WOMEN Unlimited, Inc. by Tom Dybro Senior Talent Development Consultant Robert W. Baird I am the father…

Inclusiveness: Wall Street vs. Main Street

I recently read an article in the New York Times, How Wall Street Bro Talk Keeps Women Down by Sam Polk. As the head of an organization dedicated to the advancement of women, I had to ask myself “Is this really 2016?” The article highlighted the misogyny that still exists on Wall Street, where according…

Developing Female Talent Part 3: High Potential Women’s Perspective

This is the last in my series focusing on the three major players helping women achieve their full potential.  We’ve previously looked at managers and mentors.  In this blog, I’ll focus on the women themselves. Every year WOMEN Unlimited engages with hundreds of women who participate in our programs throughout the United States and in…

Highlights; An Information-Packed Webinar on Fostering Female Talent

On March 17th, WOMEN Unlimited sponsored a webinar on What Every Manager Should Know About Fostering Female Talent. I had the privilege of moderating a panel of three distinguished executives, each with years of experience helping women on their teams reach their full potential. Our webinar panelists were: Jeffrey B. Fischer, Vice President of the…

Developing Female Talent Part 2: The Mentoring Perspective

Since the inception of WOMEN Unlimited in 1994, we have pinpointed mentoring, along with education and networking, as one of our three pillars for developing female talent. Our involvement with thousands of high potential women and hundreds of mentors has helped forge our perspective on how key mentoring relationships can and should work for BOTH…

Developing Female Talent Part 1: The Manager Perspective

In my last blog, I talked about the “MEN” in our name “WOMEN Unlimited”, being deliberate because unless men are engaged in the process of inclusiveness, it is doomed to failure. I also have a way of looking at the “M-A-N” in “WOMAN.” I see it as pointing to “MANagers,” both male and female, whose…