Mentoring Success – In the Words of Mentees Themselves

In my January blog I highlighted the key finding from my doctoral dissertation, Women’s Mentoring Wisdom. Most notably, that mentees were successful when they acted intentionally and took deliberate steps to prepare for their mentoring relationships, to leverage their mentors’ insights and to transfer what they learned to organizational relationships. This time, I’d like to…

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77 Cents is Only the Tip of the Iceberg

Since President Obama delivered his State of the Union address on January 28th, there’s been a lot of back and forth on whether women really earn 77 cents for every dollar men earn…how that number was arrived at…and whether it’s the right stat to be bandying around. To my mind, it’s a distractor. No matter…

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Happy New Year! Happy National Mentoring Month!

Happy New Year. I wish you all a year filled with happiness and prosperity. It’s an especially exciting year for us at WOMEN Unlimited, Inc. since it marks our 20th Year Anniversary helping organizations foster the success of their talented women. In the weeks and months ahead you’ll be hearing much more about how we…

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Catalyst webinar with Rosina Racioppi – January 14, 2014 at 11 a.m. ET

Mentoring, Sponsorship, & Partnering for Women’s Advancement Join this webinar for a unique opportunity to hear from two leaders behind women’s advancement: Ilene H. Lang, Former President & CEO, Senior Advisor, and Honorary Director, Catalyst, and Rosina L. Racioppi, EdD, President and Chief Executive Officer, WOMEN Unlimited, Inc. Ilene and Rosina will share how Catalyst…

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Yes! Do It On Purpose

“If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” I’ve quoted that famous Lewis Carroll line in a previous blog, but it’s worth repeating as we discuss the importance of a purposeful mindset for women with their eye on the C-suite. What exactly does a “purposeful mindset” mean vis a vis…

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Gender Bias—A Study in Denial

As I started to write this blog, I thought I would take a look at what Wikipedia had to say about “second generation gender bias.” Guess what?  It isn’t even there. Wow! That was a metaphor for making my point: second generation gender bias is so hidden, so camouflaged, and so denied, not even Wikipedia…

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Diversity—It ADDS UP

Not so long ago, a discussion about diversity or gender equality in the workplace would center around social awareness or corporate good citizenship. …Then the numbers started coming in… And slowly but surely the conversation shifted from corporate responsibility to corporate profitability. The findings have been conclusive, extensive and global.  Here are just a few…

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Networking—The Right Way

Frequently in these blogs, I’ve focused on mentoring, one of the mainstays of our WOMEN Unlimited, Inc. three-pronged approach, with the other two being Education and Networking. This time around I’d like to turn our attention to Networking. As with finding mentors, how you approach building your network is crucial. There are approaches that achieve your…

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Why Is 15 Out Of 16 Not Good Enough?

In the last few months there has been a lot in the news about women and leadership. I’m really happy this subject is starting to get more of the attention it deserves. One recent online article by Will Marre, Three Reasons We Need Women Leaders Now, especially captured my attention. Marre points out that according…

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Feeding the Pipeline: 2 Strategies that Work

As I pointed out in my last blog, the recent Harvard Business Review article, Women Rising: The Unseen Barriers, resonated with me. The strategies suggested by Herminia Ibarra, Robin Ely, and Deborah Kolb are very much in sync with what we’ve been doing at WOMEN Unlimited, Inc. for nearly 20 years. In this blog, I’m…

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