Tapping the Newest Generation of Talent – Millennials

Born between 1980 and 2000, millennials (aka Generation Y) are the largest generation in American history, numbering around 95 million in the US… with almost 80 million already in the workforce or about to enter it. They ARE a force to be reckoned with, and a force no corporation can afford to ignore. The challenge…

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An Argument (or Ten) For Starting Early

As CEO of WOMEN Unlimited, Inc, I experience firsthand a variety of training and development “pushbacks” from large corporations. Most often, the concerns circle around investing in talented early-career women. The hesitancy is understandable. Will early-career women stay with the company long enough to justify the investment in their training and development? Aren’t monies better…

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Women Push Back

By Bob Calandra The female executives at a recent Wall Street Journal conference must have wondered if they had fallen into a time warp. Jack Welch, the former guru of General Electric who still writes and speaks about business, told the gathering that corporate career tracks were determined solely by “results and performance.” Welch said…

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Diversity: Lessons Learned

–Audrey R. Goodman During this our 20th Anniversary year, from time to time I will be inviting guest bloggers from our most successful corporate partnerships to share their take on diversity, talent management and creating a successful pipeline of women executives. Audrey Goodman currently an Organization Effectiveness consultant and, former Vice President Organization Development at…

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Happy Anniversary

April 18th –Today’s the Day Today marks WOMEN Unlimited Inc.’s 20th Anniversary. Twenty years ago, on a Monday in 1994, we held our first LEAD program. It was attended by 18 high-potential women from 13 Fortune 1000 companies. Double-Decade Partnerships Right from that first program back in 1994, we have actively worked with our corporate…

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Visibility, An Advancement Strategy Women Often Neglect

By Dr. Rosina L. Racioppi Across corporate America, women are missing out on key opportunities. They fail to bring their successes to the attention of people who matter and continually take a back seat to their own accomplishments. As a result, their careers get stalled, often permanently. Many corporate women harbor the misguided perception that…

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20th Anniversary Reflections

April 18th marks WOMEN Unlimited Inc.’s 20th anniversary. That’s when the dream of our founder, Jean Otte, to help talented women reach the top of their corporations became a reality. The first LEAD program was attended by 18 women from AT&T, PSEG, Colgate-Palmolive Company, and Volvo to name a few. And today, thanks to our…

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The Double-Edged Benefits of Intrapreneurs

As someone who works jointly with talented women and their Fortune 1000 companies, I’m always on the lookout for approaches and strategies that benefit both. It’s the focus of WOMEN Unlimited, Inc. partnerships: helping women move forward so both they and their companies reach new levels of success. Intrapreneurship is definitely a win-win strategy and…

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Women Have To Stop Shying Away From Their Own Accomplishments

Most women are passionate cheerleaders for the achievements of those they care about—kids, spouses, parents, siblings, friends, bosses, colleagues, subordinates…with one notable exception… THEMSELVES. Women often shy away from getting the word out about their corporate accomplishments. They tend to harbor the misguided expectation that their work will speak for itself. Not likely. And even…

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