The Role of Men in Fostering Female Talent: Part 2

In his previous blog, Michael offered some fascinating perspectives on how managers and organizations both succeed and flounder in advancing their talented women. In this blog, Michael points us to Catalyst research that can be helpful in understanding gender bias and moving away from it. –Dr. Rosina L. Racioppi, President & CEO, WOMEN Unlimited, Inc.

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WOMEN Unlimited, Inc. featured in “5 Top Organizations Sculpting Tomorrow’s Female Leaders”

Cultivating Businesswomen: WOMEN Unlimited, Inc.. The New York-based Women Unlimited, Inc. partners with top corporations to develop talented ladies in the business world into top level executives. Through three specialized programs – for emerging managers, women transitioning from managing to leading and senior executives – participants can gain confidence, networking skills and strategic training. To…

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The Role of Men in Fostering Female Talent: Part 1

For the next two blogs, I am thrilled that we will be having Michael Chamberlain, as our guest blogger. Michael is Vice President of Marketing for Catalyst, Inc.. Catalyst has been a mover and shaker in support of corporate women for 50 years. In both his blogs, Michael will be discussing “The Role of Men…

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I Admit It. I’m Angry…

Blog after blog, article after article, research study after research study highlight the gloom and doom of the impending labor shortage and its accompanying talent dearth. They agree that during the next ten years, companies are going to be scrambling to find the talent they need, not just to stay competitive, but in many cases…

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It Takes a Corporate Village

What interactions are necessary for corporations to enjoy the proven bottom-line benefits of a diverse team at the top? It is never a one-man or one-woman show. It is a unified effort that permeates the organization to its core. As one of our WOMEN Unlimited clients puts it, for diversity to take hold “it has…

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The Unmistakable Power of Potential

In an article in the June issue of Harvard Business Review, Claudio Fernández-Aráos, senior advisor at a leading global search firm, states unequivocally: “I now consider potential to be the most important predictor of success at all levels, from junior management to the C-suite and board.” He goes on to say that potential trumps “brains,…

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Empowering Women Campaign

We recently participated in Mediaplanet’s Empowering Women campaign in which the business industries united to raise awareness about the benefits of supporting women in the workforce. We are proud to be featured alongside industry influencers, associations and public figures such as Tyra Banks, Arianna Huffington, Sheryl Sandberg, Levo League, National Association of Women Business Owners,…

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