Leaning In—Upfront and Personal

It’s been a long time since a business book has received the attention and praise of Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In. And the acclaim is well deserved. As someone continually involved in helping women achieve their full corporate potential, I found myself nodding in agreement over and over as I read Sandberg’s book.  She tells it…

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TEAM—An Early Start to ‘Leaning In’

So far there’s no contest. The business book of the year is Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In.  As COO of Facebook with a track record of startling success, Sandberg has both the experience and the clout to advise women at all levels on how to “Lean In” for going all the way in their careers. I…

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Success? We’ve Got the Numbers to Prove It

Let me start out by saying that I’m not a bean counter. I’m a results counter. I believe that the results of training and development programs can be measured in a variety of ways: some numeric…some not. In this blog, I’ll focus on the numeric aspects and how they continually point to the success of…

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The Leaders We Need

I have a great job.  I get to be part of leadership development for women and to see a large number of our program graduates get promoted. As advocates of leadership development for women, we take a special kind of pride at Women Unlimited in the success of our graduates.  In a survey to alumnae,…

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Is the Ceiling Glass or Titanium?

I get really frustrated when yet another study comes out showing the continued absence of women at the highest levels of corporations. The numbers may vary a point or so from study to study, but no matter how you slice it, the results are bleak. Only 17% of Fortune 500 board members are women. Only…

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Mentoring Muscle Helps Shatter the Glass Ceiling

Women bring to the table a smorgasbord of talents and skills which over the past 20 years have elevated them to executive positions in unprecedented numbers. That’s the good news. The bad news is that women are still grossly under represented at the highest levels of major corporations. In my 19 years of working with…

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Transforming from employee to supervisor…supervisor to manager…and manager to leader is full of both “Aha” and “Oh no” moments. A variety of learning theories attempt to help us better understand this process.  Especially relevant for women striving to get ahead is Dr. Jack Mezirow’s Transformational Learning Theory.  Mezirow suggests that when an individual experiences a…

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We see it all the time here at WOMEN Unlimited, Inc.  Corporations fail to focus on their largest potential pipeline of long-term talent: professional women in the early stages of their career.  More and more evidence is pointing to the importance of programs for this diverse and talented group. Here are a few examples:  “Top…

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Why Do We Keep Asking the Wrong Question?

Recently, there’s been a lot of press around the question: “Can Women Have It All?” Much of the buzz has been ignited by Ann-Marie Slaughter’s Atlantic Monthly Article, “Why Women Can’t Have It All” and by Yahoo CEO, Marissa Mayer’s decision to continue working after her child is born. In my opinion, it’s the WRONG…

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An Overview of WOMEN Unlimited, Inc.: Helping Leading Companies Succeed Through Mentoring, Education and Networking

Welcome to the launch of our WOMEN Unlimited blog! As President and CEO of WOMEN Unlimited, Inc. it will be my pleasure to share with you information about how our programs help women throughout your organization become the female business leaders that will drive your organization to new levels of success. In the weeks and…

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